I went to the National New Churches Conference (April 23-26) and was blown away at how awesome it was! There is so much to say about it, but first I wanted to mention how great it was to see church leaders from so many different denominations come together in one place, like-minded, and to stand and believe for the future of the church. Incredible!! Church has never been about worship styles, spiritual gifts, etc. It's about relationship with Jesus and relationship with people...and that starts with the people God puts right in front of us.
It was great to see Tim and Le'Chelle Johnson, Morgan and Loretta Bates, Joey Bonifacio and of course, my great friends Keith and Jennifer Tower. We are all part of the same ministry, Every Nation Ministries, and are all in the church plant process (I'm not in the photo...don't mistake me for Joey...a common mistake. I was talking to Morgan and Loretta, who aren't in the picture, either). To make a long story short, this conference was a great moment for me to step back and see the magnitude of God's kingdom and appreciate not just my place in it, but that I have even been granted the privilege to be a part of it at all.
The conference definitley rocked. And, jut so you know, Jennifer and I are super happy that you and Amy are part of the team at HighPoint.
So glad your finally doing a blog! It will be great to see what's going on with you and Amy! Love ya!
Well said.
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